Make Your Own Tiny Mail – Sidewalk Pop-up in Oakland
Saturday, April 27
337 15th Street, Downtown Oakland
Visit the future site of the World’s Smallest Post Service for a sidewalk pop-up! Sit at teeny tiny roll-top desks and make your own incredible tiny letters and packages for loved ones. Use all of the WSPS’s exquisite materials including itty-bitty faux postage stamps and 1-inch envelopes. Leave with a gratis mini magnifying glass!
Event is part of the WSPS’s Kickstarter campaign festivities. Come make tiny mail and help create a magical home for the World’s Smallest Post Service in Downtown Oakland. Open-house format: visit anytime between 2pm and 7pm. Includes a sneak peek into the in-progress storefront including a 100-year old brass P.O. box wall!