Postage Stamp Protest

A series of tiny protest signs to be carried through the mail system.

I dream about (and am trying to help co-create) a more peaceful, just world in which all people and the planet itself are respected and treated with love and care.

I love mail, so I’ve put together this new series of postage stamp “protests” consisting of lick-and-stick protest signs that you can add to the postage stamp area of real mail (as long as you also have enough real postage!) Stick ’em on letters to friends as an act of solidarity or to raise consciousness and inspire action. Also stick ’em on your electric bills, rent checks, other random outgoing mail, and anywhere else you’re inspired to!

To learn when new editions are released, sign up for Lea’s newsletter.

All P.S.P. editions are printed and perforated by The Portland Stamp Company in Oregon.

$10.00 - 5 sheets of RBG "stamps"

Ship To:

Edition 3: RBG

• portrait of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
• art by Oakland, CA artist Michael Wertz who has a sweet e-zine and IG. Art generously donated to PSP by the artist. Find posters at

$10.00 - 5 sheets of SAY THEIR NAMES "stamps"

Ship To:


• portraits of 85+ marginalized people killed by law enforcement.
• featuring art from Bay Area artist Oree Originol’s ongoing open-source project, JUSTICE FOR OUR LIVES. Watch a 3-min KQED film about Oree, follow Oree on IG, and join me in donating to JFOL via venmo ( to support Oree continuing to make art that matters.

Edition 2: GET OUT THE VOTE  

Or order online as a donation to the ACLU via the Portland Stamp Company.


• everybody vote! Register now! Vote early! If you’re feeling inspired and able, do a postcard campaign to encourage voting and add these beautiful “stamps” to the corners!
• art by Oakland, CA artist Michael Wertz who has a sweet e-zine and IG. Art generously donated to PSP by the artist.